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Résistantes Australiennes

12 Janvier 2012 , Rédigé par momo Publié dans #H2S

Résistantes Australiennes


Sans titre





Même si vous êtes heureuse d'être poilue dans la vie privée dans votre propre maison ;  c'est une toute autre chose que de l’être en public et d’y exposer avec désinvolture vos poils aux jambes et aux aisselles. La question est là : comment une fille peut-elle reprendre confiance en public, en restant visiblement poilue ? J'ai trouvé quelques suggestions grâce aux personnes qui ont rempli le Questionnaire « Poil ».



My suggestions :



1. There is no reason why the transition from smooth to fluffy should be any faster than you are comfortable with. So, if you are someone who has been removing your body hair for a while, work out whether there is one area of your body where you'd be more comfortable having hair. For example, I shaved my armpits for quite a while after I chose to have naturally hairy legs.

2. Start by letting your family and close friends know about your choice. People who know you well will still love you, whatever their opinion on how you look. If you know which people will be supportive, perhaps talk to them first for encouragement.

3. Visit a public place like a swimming pool or beach so that you become comfortable with your hair in public as well as round your home.

4. If you have a partner then getting him/her used to the idea first may make you feel more comfortable and less concerned about other people’s opinions.


Other Suggestions
The following suggestions have been gathered through email correspondence and through use of the original hair questionnaire which is still available to be filled out in the
questionnaire section of this website : http://happilyhairy.com/questionnaires.htm



5. Because I shaved a lot before I stopped, my hair had grown quite thick and course. I wanted to return it to the state it would have been before I started shaving so I have been getting my armpits waxed every six months or so, this ‘tames’ the hair, it grows back finer, and there’s less of it. This is just what I felt comfortable with, I’m not suggesting people shouldn’t feel comfortable with any level of hair. The only thing that can help you gain confidence is yourself really. If your reasons are grounded, then I don’t think it will bother you too much. I also trim my hair sometimes (sometimes it gets so long, and it pulls against my clothes) this makes it less visible to others too if your looking for a happy medium :) ~ Jo, 18, ENG (left)

6. Get some sun on your legs and the hair will lighten up a tad. Don't hang out with bitchy girly girls who will try to shoot you down because they'd never leave the house in such a comfortable fashion. There is no reason at all to be ashamed or feel you have to hide (except perhaps at work) because to deny that hair grows on your body is to deny that you are a human! ~ Genevieve, 20, NZ

7. Go get yourself some fabulous gear – a brilliant pair of ear rings, a bright scarf, a crazy hat – something that reflects your personality – something that will catch people’s attention (other than your hairy armpits or your free range legs) and if they are offended by your hairy bits – blaeh – let them go and move on. ~ Laurene, 54, AUS

8. I went a bit hippy for a while – longer skirts and sandals, and sleeveless cotton tops and lots of beads. My fluffy underarms didn’t look so out of place then. ~ Kate, 36, AUS

9. There are still some times when choosing hairy is tricky. Sometimes if there's an important work meeting during lot weather I still refuse to shave my armpits but I also avoid a sleeveless top and go for a really light top (but with sleeves). That way I don't feel I'm rocking the boat too much but I’m still choosing hair. ~ Sera, 42, AUS

10. Going public with other hair-friendly companions is important. For instance going to the pool with a good female friend or your partner who can make you feel happy and acceptable as you are, instead of feeling like some weirdo on your own. ~ Ruth, 42, AUS

11. There are a lot of horrible judgemental people in the world. You need to strength to be yourself no matter what, you will always find people who will love and respect you for what you do, and no matter what ANYONE says... you are totally more beautiful this way. ~ Madie, 16, AUS





Il y a 3 questionnaires à remplir selon que :

  1. Vous êtes une femme qui ne s’épile pas.
  2. Vous êtes une femme qui s’épile.
  3. Vous êtes un homme.



Je ne suis pas un expert en anglais, j’ai traduit (approximativement) l’introduction et j’attends, une fois de plus (…depuis 2007 ???) la collaboration de l’un d’entre-vous pour la traduction du reste (repris ci-dessus en anglais) et des 3 questionnaires.


Vous attendez quoi ? Que ce soit nos plagiaires-saboteurs d’anciens partenaires qui le fassent ? Et pourquoi ne l’on-t-il pas déjà fait…. alors qu’ils connaissent forcément ce site ?

Je vous rappelle que je n’ai pas Internet, suis tombé par hasard sur ce site que ceux qui ont Internet connaissent forcément et je constate que :

1.      Aucun d’entres-vous ne m’en a parler (VOUS SERVEZ A QUOI ?)

2.      D’après vous ? Pourquoi nos anciens partenaires ne l’ont-ils pas déjà fait…. alors qu’ils connaissent forcément ce site ?

Mais il est certain que si vous ne vous réveillez pas, ils ne tarderont à le faire rien que pour me couper l’herbe sous le pied et surtout pour reprendre la tête de la Cause… et l’empêcher de percer.


Cette intéressante initiative de la Résistance australienne (info@happilyhairy.com) se doit de recevoir notre collaboration.


Et le reste est aussi à traduire car fort intéressant à 1ère vue :







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